Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday Funday

First things first: I have completely neglected this blog for a month! Today was the BWC 5k down by Key highway... 4th place (first place age group) and my second best time ever of 19:36! Woo hoo! It was also very hot but I do well with the heat! I did a 3 mile warm up which i was afraid was too long, but apparently wasn't and I was perfectly warmed up. Plus I got to see the whole course as I warmed up on it which was an advantage. Legs feel great now too! I should beat my 19:21 PR very soon. All of those 400s and 800s are paying off! I rewarded myself with a TRUE sunday funday by participating in drinking activities. Back to hard work this week! 400s and 800s for Wednesday workout. Debating doing Arbutus 10k this 4th of July weekend (saturday) but will probably skip it since I raced just today and I prefer to have more than a week between races. Now I need to find another 10k this summer so that I can get one of those in too, since I only have one under my belt!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Duel in the Sun

...that's what today's race felt like. I haven't written on here in over a week with traveling and honestly not very exciting training. Today, in Fort Myers, FL me and my sister's BF ran a Memorial Day race on a golf course. It was actually not very hilly (nothing long and steep at least) but it alternated between the cart path and the grass which was tough. Plus it was incredibly hot, as it is ALL the time down here. I came in second behind an amazing phenom, a freshman highschool girl who ran somewhere around 19 flat. I ran something like 20:16 which isn't bad, but could have gotten under 20 if my third mile didn't suck. Splits for mile 1 and 2 were 6:21 and 6:29, but didn't get the last mile which was probably 6:40 (ugh) considering .1 is usually around 45 seconds. All in all, it was a success: I kept good form, stayed positive, kept my stride rate high, but didn't kick as much as I needed to. That just goes with getting used to 5ks! If I keep up with the 5k training this summer I should be back down near my PR.

Looking to do a 10k in July, still choosing between a few. FL should be fun because I'll get to cross train a lot (biking, tennis) since my mileage isn't so high. Also I'm going to use the excuse that that highschool was acclimated to the heat since she lives down here.

One last thing: big props to FHS track's state meet qualifiers. At the state meet Josh get a new high jump PR for 5th place and Jon got 2nd for shot put. Ash R and Esanye had great efforts in their events and are only sophomores.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Much Needed Recovery Week

So today marked the end of my much needed recovery week. I only did about 20 miles total I believe, and cross trained more than usual for a good change of pace (no pun intended). However, I guess I really had been putting my body through hell, because if I felt the urge to run more than intended this week and starting to do an extra mile during a run, my legs were hurting. Guess I needed the recovery week more than I thought! It pays off to listen to your body.

Last night I actually had a few drinks to celebrate bday/graduation and was reminded why as a runner, I typically don't drink. Just 4 LIGHT mike's hard lemonades and I woke up dehydrated and slightly hung over. Did not make for a very enjoyable run this morning! However my legs are still feeling relatively fresh except for a little sore from spinning but that's just because I hadn't done that in a while. Looking forward to starting up some more 5k type training and doing a 5k or 10k in June to see how that works out!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tri-day Friday!

...Meaning triathlon type training. Since this week is my recovery week, today was one of the days I was supposed to xtrain instead of run. So, I did some stuff I haven't done in a while... practice RPM (spinning) and swim. And let me just say... I felt out of shape (for those specific sports) as I was breathless 5 minutes into both! So I concluded I should cross train a little more.

Also my 4 mile run yesterday was good, I actually felt fresh and my legs felt great from all of the rest! Then there's Bay to Breakers Sunday which went well. The Hayes Street hill, which occurs about 2.5 miles into the race, was BRUTAL! I thought I've seen hills... until this one. It must have taken like 5 minutes to climb, and it is so STEEP. After that, the following mile was even slow because my legs were still recovering. Luckily, the rest of the race into Golden Gate Park was mainly downhill, allowing me to throw in a 6 min mile for mile 7. All in all it was very fun, lots of costumes and even some naked runners. Plus I managed to sneak in with the elites while they were warming up even though I didn't belong there.

Splits were 6:33,6:38,7:31,6:59,6:44,6:32,6:00,3:15 for a total of 50:13. I sort of felt like I had some left at the end and really kicked hard, but I wish I would have known better how to pace myself for a 7.5 mile race as well as this unique course. Oh well, I'm doing it next year so I will destroy that time then!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

If You're Going to San Franciscoooo sure to run Bay to Breakers like I am on Sunday (or wear flowers in your hair)! Tomorrow morning I leave for San Francisco, where my mom has a work meeting conveniently the same weekend as Bay to Breakers, the huge, famous 12k race in which participants have ranged from elites like Deena Kastor to people wearing costumes and groups of "centipedes" who have to run linked together.

I have not really tapered much for this race, because it's not crucial (or at least not to me) to do really well here. First of all, it's SUPER hilly, plus it's a distance I've never done before so it's a PR no matter what, haha. Also, it's the end of my racing season so I'm not really in peak performance condition.

I am trying not to push too hard since my body is pretty worn out by the months of high mileage I've been doing, so mile repeats, long hard tempo intervals, and things of that sort are not really good to do right now. So, I did 10 miles today: 3 mile warmup, 4 miles that consisted of 15 x 1min 5k pace/1min easy, then 3 miles easy, which felt like I was trotting because I was so tired. I must have been going hard on the 5k pace, because my 4 miles ended up being 7:11,7:22,7:20,7:16. This meant that since the ratio was 1:1 of hard/easy, my hard was probably at 6 min/mile or less pace and my easy was probably at 8:30 min/mile or more pace. My heel was started to hurt a bit but I think it was just because I was probably extending my stride a lot and possibly heel striking. It's fine now though.

Bed time... have to be up early for airport!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eat, Sleep, and Run.. with less emphasis on sleep lately

So this week is already insanely busy, causing me to wake up pretty early in the morning to run which we know I already did Saturday. Sunday I ran at Loch Raven and my butt was pretty sore to be attacking those sort of hills, but I guess I brought it upon myself. Then mother's day which was nice. Monday was sissy and mommy's law school graduation, which I then went straight from to go teach at the gym. Today I woke up early to go to the trail and did some tempo work but nothing too crazy since i'm sort of in post-season mode and also the glute is miserable right now.

The workout was 2 mi WU/CD and intervals of 3 mi, 2 mi, and 1 mi in that order, with 90 sec jogs between. Times were 20:37 (6:51, 6:51, 6:54), 13:34 (6:46,6:48) and 6:40. My goal is to be able to really get that 1 mile time down. Obviously it's not one mile all out, but I should be able to blast my last mile. Although, once I start doing more speedwork during June, I should have a much better kick... or so I hope.

Can't forget the most important thing tonight... my brand new car! Loving XM radio :-) Off to bed to catch up on sleep then massage tomorrow after my morning run!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Little Darlin' Here Comes the Sun...

Being a lyric person, I thought this was appropriate with how I started my day. Woke up at 5 am to have a GU gel and banana before getting ready to head to the trail for my long run. Didn't get light out until halfway there.

My dilemma today was, with counties starting at 9 am (which I knew would be a long and tiring track meet, surely not fun to run AFTER), should I change my long run to Sunday? I decided that I should just stick to my usual schedule, especially since doing my long run closer to my next race (next Sunday) would not be best for me. So, I sucked it up and figured out what time I would need to get to the trail and eating breakfast after, which I never do... but hey, waking up even earlier than 5 am to eat was not worth it. I was also surprised to find several other people out on the trail at 6 am!

The run went well, running almost all 16 miles in the 7:30s and 7:40s and dropping the last 3 (before a mile CD) to 7:22,7:08, and 6:59. The only drawbacks from such a good run today were that 1) I was hobbling around at counties (I actually managed to plop myself down at the 200m mark to give splits and not get up), 2) now my butt hurts even MORE, even when I'm just laying down, and 3) my hill repeats might totally suck or not even be doable tomorrow. And obviously a drawback of running that early is that I was exhausted all day.

The track meet went well particularly for JV girls who had a ton of PRs. That's what good competition will do for ya. Also Jenna is improving consistently on her mile (I think she got 3rd for JV?) and should be under 6 min very soon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why must I be such a tight ass??

And no... I don't mean my personality. My right glute has been killing me ever since the beginning of this week after the race!!!

So Wednesday was obviously easy run - 8 miles, and teach. However easy is always relative around my neighborhood since it is so hilly. Then I went to the trail Thursday and figured I should lay off of distance intervals so that I'm not so hard on myself, and just run time intervals. So, within a 10 mile run I did (after 3 miles) minute intervals of 1,2,3,2,1,2,3, with 3 min jogs in between which is a decent jog time to allow recovery. I must have been going pretty fast because my overall splits for those 4 miles (averaging recovery jogs and pickups) were 7:21, 7:27, 7:17, and 7:28. Although then I was hobbling all day because my hip/low back/glute is incredibly inflamed - you can even see a noticeable difference in the two sides.

So today I said I would just do 6, but ended up doing 8 miles. My legs were so dead, I'm really glad I didn't wear a watch because I was probably trotting at 8:45-9 min/mile pace. I need to cut back more (hence the dead legs) but I know that I'll be tapering next week then recovering the following week (the week of my birthday) when I'm only going to be running 2/7 days. Tomorrow is a 16 mile long run BEFORE county meet which means 6 am woo hoo!! I've been doing a good job of eating more fruits and veggies which I am very proud of.

A thought I had today at the Cockeysville Giant - Why do they only have 2 checkout lanes, forcing you to utilize the self-checkout, which is so hard to use that they end up using employees to help you anyway? Doesn't seem to make sense.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I've got the month of May

.. and yes that's from the temptations My Girl. But more importantly I'm talking about how I have the month of May before I delve deep into my first phase of training in the few months leading up to fall races!

May is a big month... Bay to Breakers 12K in San Fran, Birthday, and Graduation... in that order! Then back to FL the end of the month. Going to take a very easy week after the the 12K before I head into training! Then in June I will give a 5k another shot which should be good as I will be doing a bit more speedwork.

This morning did 2 miles easy before car shopping.. happy to report I will be getting a brand new Honda Accord very soon! Just need to decide between dark blue, silver, and polished metal! Then lunch, practice, and ran at the trail which I usually don't do in the evening so that was a nice change. Wanted to throw some marathon pace tempo in the middle but my legs are still a bit tight from Sunday's race so splits ended up being 7:54, 7:52, 7:49, 7:56, 8:00, 7:55, 7:52 and then 1 mile CD for a total of 8 miles.

So basically the idea going into the summer will be more recovery days so I can be very ready for hard workouts. Should be an interesting change and we'll see how it goes! And yesterday was 8 easy miles but I should maybe not run so much the day after a race.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Can't Forget the New Town meet

Also, there were a few performances I was very pleased with at Franklin's meet yesterday! Jeff, Andrew, and Michael ran very well in the 800 with 2:10, 2:12, and 2:13 respectively. The good thing is that our 800 m runners go out incredibly fast but I feel like they can hold it if we worked on endurance more. Also Ash B is very close to breaking 60 in the 400!

Good News/Bad News

So this morning was the Alexandria Running Festival Half Marathon. Up until this weekend I thought I was setting myself up to PR (1:30 is what I was aiming for) then when it was ungodly hot, I know I'd have to rethink that. I was pleased to find out at the starting line that there were no Kenyan/Ethiopian women (or actually no men either) and so I knew it'd come down to me and Jill, an awesome woman I met trying to find our way to where the race was held. She runs crazy good times and I was lucky enough to have caught her during a race when she hadn't been training as much.

I still tried to go out on pace, only to find that there were not really any mile markers and the few there were were inaccurate. For someone who has only been racing for 2 years that can be very difficult if you're trying to run a good time because while the pace should feel familiar, it is probably still off by 5-10 seconds per mile, especially as the race goes on and it feels like you're keeping pace when you're slowing down.

The course was out and back TWICE on Eisenhower Avenue and I wasn't a fan of the park it had us run through that was very windy, had a lot of turns, and a few hills. I wouldn't have called it fast and flat. However the park version did provide some shade that we didn't have on the road. I also decided to forgo my usual "I don't need every aid station" and drank at ALL of them given how hot it was. Although I did manage to get about half of every gatorade cup all over my chest.

So anyway, to make a long story short, I won! I was pissed there was no tape to break, but I guess it was a tiny race. My time was about 4 minutes off what it should have been, but I guess there's no need to be upset considering a) the weather sucked b) I won (250 bucks!) and c) everyone else's times were off today.

One thing I need to work on is relaxing the night before a race. I get so hyped up when I stay in a hotel that I can never fall asleep! Then of course I'm up thinking "now I only get ___ hours" which coincidentally keeps me up longer! Anyway, time for Army Wives. I think that was a good race recap.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Running Club Begins!

So yesterday was just 5 miles easy and then teach Body Combat. The gym was packed and so that meant class was pretty full which always makes for a fun night! A lot of people are really starting to like the new release which is good to hear. Sword katas are fun now that we know how to do it!

After I taught I was starving so I went to Baskin Robbins only to discover it was 31 cent scoop night. You would think this is good, but in my opinion it ruined my treat. It was absolutely packed with kids and their parents, you have to pay for it BEFORE you get in line, and then I find out it's a KIDS scoop! So after I ate dinner finally at just before 9, I watched the Blind Side, which was a heart-warming movie but really hardly about football at all.

Today was 6 miles easy 2 of which included 10 45 sec pick ups at 8k-10k pace so the splits were 8:01,7:42,7:42,7:50,7:56, and 8:19. Then sissy and I met for lunch again which is good bc eating at home gets boring. Tried to restore my faith in ice cream stores by going to Coldstone to get sorbet/fat free sweet cream, only to find AGAIN (it seems to be a trend during the day at coldstone) that they were stingy. I'm pretty sure it barely filled the cup. Next practice which was 6 200s for the distance people which I tried to convince them was really hardly anything at all, compared to what they've done in other practices.

Tonight was the first night for the Brick Bodies Running Club which went well- everyone is really motivated and already seem to be encouraging each other! They also all want to get started on their personalized programs right away which is a great sign!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mile Repeats - The (More) Fun Way/ Why must the Kenyans steal my thunder?

Today was my last workout of mile repeats before the race Sunday, only 3 of them. It is suppose to be at 10 sec per mile faster than half marathon pace, so about 6:40. That was somewhat hard to hit and it ended up being 6:43,6:44, and 6:50, which I'm really not even worried about because sometimes it is hard to get into a rhythm during taper week, plus I did it on the trail and it is even harder to get into a rhythm there compared to a track. I'm trying to incorporate more forward lean and BACKWARD arm swing like I learned in ChiRunning, but really it's not a good idea to change too much right before a race. 2 mi WU and 2 mi CD plus .5 mi jogs in between repeats made it 8 mi total.

Then for lunch met with sissy at CPK where I did not in fact get pizza, but instead my favorite new dish Chicken Milanese - lightly breaded chicken with arugula, diced tomatoes, and sliced mozzarella -delicious! Practice was good but I was ready to crash after, probably because I didn't get enough sleep last night - I am often restless when I know I am waking up early to drive to the trail.

On to another topic that is actually really annoying me. So, first let me say, to any race directors, for my sanity's sake, please do not post entry lists!!!! All this results in is my reading them, scanning for who listed their half marathon PR, and stalking them on! Seeing as this is a small race this weekend I was hoping maybe I could place. However, I forgot one issue: it is in Alexandria, which neighbors DC, more of a hotbed for running than some other places in the MD/DC/VA area. So as I scroll down the list I see a 1:18!!!! Who is this? A Kenyan. Can they like not count, please, just this once?! Or perhaps lets have a race just for the Kenyans, so we can let the running gods compete against one another, and the rest of us mortals race each other. Also, I found out that some of the people who listed 1:30 or less PRs actually do not run anywhere near those times which I found amusing.

Anyway, off to maybe start watching the Blind Side which I will finish tomorrow.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Taper Mode

Today marks official taper mode for this Sunday's half marathon. I wasn't sure whether to do a few easy miles or not, but when the track meet was postponed til next Monday, meaning I had to teach both of my Monday night classes, I decided to take a day off from running. Generally, before a longer race, I try to take 2 days off from running the week leading up to it, so I will take Friday off completely as well.

Franklin practice went well for those who showed up. Christine couldn't make it so I was in charge of the sprinters which is always a fun change up. They did 8 150's. Attendance is no where near where it should be, but those who consistently come are making huge improvements. They are also starting to understand the benefits of drills, warming up, running at 80% effort, coming on time, etc. No meets this week until Saturday so we need to have a good week of attendance and effort at practice!

Had a delicious chicken TBM sandwich at Cosi followed my lowfat ice cream at Baskin Robbins. I also slept very late this morning which was great since I needed it. I certainly didn't mind no running today since it was raining when I woke up! Teaching went well as I finally have eliminated almost all errors when teaching the new releases and the members are starting to enjoy them. Also had like 6 new people total in both classes which is great!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Everything Coming Together

Today was a pretty relaxing Sunday. I got about 8.5 hours of sleep, then woke up to go to Loch Raven and did a few hill repeats on to the Dam in the middle of my run. This makes for a pretty painful second half. I came home and decided to get a massage, because I was due for one and not only did the hills make me pretty sore but after attempting pull ups several times (with Mike's iron gym that I am convinced will break the molding on my doorway) my back/triceps are pretty sore. And by attempting, I mean I am able to do one full one, but then I can't get back up for a second. I will keep trying though because this is one of my goals - more upper body and core strength. The whole upper body thing leads me to a question I have been thinking about: just how does proper arm swing help running performance? I have watched elite and highly competitive runners and noticed one common thread: their upper body form is impecable - elbows swing far back, arms bent, etc. This is something I will mention later when I talk about the new book I am reading.

Anyway, so I went home and had my spinach and chicken salad (which I managed to eat, thanks to the cheese, cranberries, walnuts, and chicken in it), fell asleep on the couch, and got my massage which was good. I am sure every massage therapist that works with me thinks "WHAT on earth does this girl do to her body?" because I am so tight and have so many knots. Then after the massage came home to a good meal of chicken sandwich w/ hummus with rice and veggies.

I am beginning to think that the better nutrition is really helping my running and that everything is coming together. I recover faster after hard workouts, and I am able to hit faster paces during workouts with the same effort I used to expend hit slower paces. I also think come June I will be ready to try out some 5ks again in hopes for a new PR. I am reading a new book called ChiRunning (actually to update my PT cert, kinda cool) and it talks about avoiding "power running" where you strain your leg muscles to go faster, but to actually lean slightly forward, let your stride open behind you, and keep the same cadence as your stride will increase with speed. I want to work on this.

So last night Mike and I watched (well I watched, Mike passed out during) Public Enemies with Johnny Depp which was much better than the funny, but sort of stupid movie, Date Night, that we saw Friday. Then tonight is Army Wives which is sadly now my only show on TV that isn't back to repeats. I will have to wait til next season for Millionaire Matchmaker :(

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vary your veggies (or just eat a lot of them!)

Aside from running going pretty well lately (even my longer runs are a little faster paced) I've been managing to get a lot more nutrients into my diet. Mike and I went to California Pizza Kitchen last night and I got Chicken Milanese, which is lightly breaded chicken with arugula, diced tomatoes, thinly sliced mozarella, and olive oil. It was delicious and made me think I should be brave and attempt to eat salad. So, when we went to Chicken Out tonight not only did I be brave and eat a turkey burger (my new obsession) with a side of VEGGIES but I also got a chicken spinach salad to go! So that will be my experiment for lunch tomorrow.

My long run went well today, dropped down to 12 miles (instead of the usual 16) in preparation for next week's half marathon. Almost all miles were in the 7:40s and the last few were 7:28,7:21, and 7:10 which is decent for a long run. Tomorrow morning perhaps I will attempt to do hills at Loch Raven. The sleep hasn't been going as well as I would like but I managed to sleep in a bit to catch up on a few hours the last few nights.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

10k time trial/Penn Relays

The title basically sums up my morning and evening highlights for the day. For the morning, I did a 10k timed trial at Half Marathon pace on the NCR trail (warmup from 0.5 to 2, stretch, out to 6 and back to sparks (3.8). Splits were 6:47,6:52,6:55,6:59,6:52,6:54,and 1:17 for .2 for a total of 42:39, which is pretty much what I got for the only 10k race I ever did back in 2008. So that's a good sign that what my race times used to be are actually now my workouts. Bad news is then I had to jog 3 miles back to Papermill parking lot haha. The knee didn't bother me much today but I suppose that could be from the advil, haha.

Tonight marked the last night for my group personal training program. Everyone had MAJOR improvements in muscular endurance with the numbers they maxed out at for pushups, wall sit, plank, situps, and tricep dips. Now for the running club next Thursday!

Also I'm currently watching the Penn relays online. In the 5k, representing Bmore, Laura Paulsen from Johns Hopkins was on the list of runners, but she wasn't in the results so I guess she scratched. Right now the Women's Olympic Development 5k is on and the winner got a 15:43. It's insane to think that that is about the time a very good male might run to win a 5k road race in the Bmore area.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Trail Manners

So since my 8 mile run today was pretty much slow in 8-8:15 min/mile (due to yesterday's workout) and not all that exciting, I decided to talk about a few things I noticed while on the NCR trail.
1. First and foremost, DOGS. Due to my past encounter (s) with dogs, one in which I was knocked over in the middle of the road by one, I have many issues with them. Also, obviously I am not afraid of them if they are on a leash, but it's still not nice to be lunged at! Dog owners: pull the darn leash tighter, that's what it's there for! I have no problem with cute little dogs otherwise, but I don't like it when they interrupt my run. I have also been followed around my neighborhood by many dogs, fearing that they will not find their way home, but then again it is not my responsibility. However, some people keep very good control of their dogs and I give them props.
2. CROSS WALKS. About 0.5 miles into NCR there is a crosswalk that is clearly marked on Papermill Rd. However, as I attempt to clearly step out onto the road, I sometimes back up as many cars continue to speed through it!
3. People walking or running with others across the entire width of the trail, then looking at me as if I should move. I believe it is common knowledge: Stay on the right side, or at least move over to make room. I am not going to run through the woods for you.

So that is my complaining session for now haha. I think this is all stuff that some other runners have noticed as well (or from what I've talked about with other people). One other thing that tends to annoy me that is actually sort of amusing is the people on bicycles with the little bells. I find it funny when they start ringing them repeatedly from very far away, and then I am on the lookout for like forever. Oh and I also ran over a squirrel today (literally, it jumped out in front of me while I was running). Body Combat launch #2 went well today, except for when I went to pump my fist in the air enthusiastically, and everyone thought it was a new move.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

8 x 1 Mile Repeats = Death

So as usual, my Tuesday morning workout was tough due to having taught Body Pump and Body Combat on Monday night, especially after the TOUGH new stuff I launched last night (hello upper back and arms)!

Hard (speed/tempo) workouts are generally on Tues and Thurs and I just came off of a crazy workout (3 x 3 mile repeats) Thursday to go straight into another one today (8 x 1 mile repeats) so that I can start to taper for my May 2nd half marathon. So I headed to the Franklin track today planning on doing the repeats around 10 mile race pace which means 6:40-6:50, with 1:30 min recovery jogs in between. Started with 1.5 mi warmup (and cool down) and drills then headed straight into this, first one was too fast and after the second one I realized I would need to increase the recovery to 2 minutes and 3 minutes after the 4th to do the second half strong. So the splits were, 6:32, 6:38,6:36, 6:39, 6:38, 6:43, 6:43, 6:37 - only 2 above 6:40 - all significantly faster than last time I did this workout and in warmer weather. Now if only I can keep that pace during races! Ha if only I had someone giving me my 400 splits.

I've been really good about refueling right after I run and managed to have a ton of veggies at lunch and dinner, which is always hard, so that's a plus. Then got stuck in awful traffic on the way to Towson meet which was no good, but the meet went well and the coaches were all really nice. The one even suggested he should have a blog with "excuse of the day (trying to get out of running)". So I think today mine will have to be Michelle G's "I just had 2 hot dogs and a sprite" haha. Anyway we have quite a few mile and 800 m runners on the verge of a breakthrough for some huge PRs.

So tomorrow will be easy run obviously - 8 miles on the trail. With the knee bursitis the trail is good to run on whenever possible. The knee was hurting significantly in the beginning on the track but then it loosened up. So we shall see how sore my legs are tomorrow since they felt pretty dead during the workout and pretty early on. Body Combat Launch #2 at Brick Bodies Reisterstown tomorrow! Should be a lot better now that I got all the kinks out yesterday at Owings Mills.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Every New Beginning Comes from Some other Beginning's End

So that's a quote from Semisonic's song "Closing Time" and I thought it was appropriate for my first post. So, in my first post I think I'll talk about some of the goals that I have for running and all things related this year, especially considering May/June will mark 2 years since what I consider when I began to become a "competitive" (or toying around with the idea) runner. Hence, the end of my being a beginner, but the beginning of me getting serious about doing everything I need to do to get better.

So, a few goals that I have already started on, beginning with the obvious numerical goals:

Short term, to run a half marathon in 1:30 or under and a marathon in 3 hours or under. The latter will probably be hard to hit, as I almost did the first if it weren't for severe abdominal cramping. Also I'd like to run a 5k in under 19 minutes but I am more concerned with the longer stuff.

Work on nutrition. I've already started this by getting a nutritionist, a HUGE step. Not only being a personal trainer, but also since I was an exercise science major who took nutrition classes and physiology classes, I knew the importance of nutrition, but didn't always practice what I preached. I ate "healthy" low fat foods, and enough calories, but didn't eat enough nutrient dense foods. My nutritionist (an amazing runner herself, I might add) is encouraging and helping me to eat more veggies, more natural foods (no more sugar free, fat free crap), more protein, and more healthy fat. I am also trying to eat every 3 hours or so to keep my energy up. Most importantly, I am fueling within 15 minutes of my running, especially hard ones, since that is the "crucial time window" in which the muscles are most susceptible to nourishment. So far I am doing really well with this and even trying to expand my food horizons. I have also weaned myself off of diet coke a good deal which is HUGE since I used to have about 10 cans a day (yes, this should qualify as addicted).

Another goal is to stretch/ice/massage/sleep more. The first two are more important obviously, and I already get massages on a ridiculously regular basis. Not stretching and icing has probably led me to borderline injuries more recently, so I cannot forget to do these things, especially since my mileage has been pretty high. I even took a Body Flow class last week after a hard running workout. In addition I need to incorporate a cut-back mileage week every 3rd week of my training cycle to allow my body to recover from the previous high-mileage weeks. I am sometimes good about sleep (I NEED 8+ hours) but other times not when I have to wake up earlier to run like at the trail.

Be strong mentally during races. So many times I toe the starting line thinking "why am I doing this" or "this is going to suck" or "so and so here and she's is crazy good" or "uh oh, my legs are feeling heavy." Or sometimes, I get into the race and all I can do is look at my clock and think "there's no way I can keep this pace, I'm so tired already" which is usually just due to a shock to the body in the first few miles before I settle in (which I could probably fix a bit by not going out so fast). If I relax mentally, I can relax physically, as I learned from the book Running Within.

Other more specific running goals - more hills, focus on form, run with others. This is starting to get long so I'll just say I need to do more hills. I've done repeats twice but I don't want to insert something new TOO much into training right before a race, plus I already run hilly parts around my neighborhood. I need to work on strengthening my upper body to use my arms more efficiently and definitely increase turnover which is incredibly slow. I really need to run with others to help push myself in workouts as well as get used to something similar to competition. I've also been doing abs and pushups every day which is good.

So that's it for now. I will try to post my workouts from training, but I'll also include some stuff about my Body Pump and Body Combat classes as well as the FHS team and my Brick Bodies Running Club.