Friday, May 21, 2010

Tri-day Friday!

...Meaning triathlon type training. Since this week is my recovery week, today was one of the days I was supposed to xtrain instead of run. So, I did some stuff I haven't done in a while... practice RPM (spinning) and swim. And let me just say... I felt out of shape (for those specific sports) as I was breathless 5 minutes into both! So I concluded I should cross train a little more.

Also my 4 mile run yesterday was good, I actually felt fresh and my legs felt great from all of the rest! Then there's Bay to Breakers Sunday which went well. The Hayes Street hill, which occurs about 2.5 miles into the race, was BRUTAL! I thought I've seen hills... until this one. It must have taken like 5 minutes to climb, and it is so STEEP. After that, the following mile was even slow because my legs were still recovering. Luckily, the rest of the race into Golden Gate Park was mainly downhill, allowing me to throw in a 6 min mile for mile 7. All in all it was very fun, lots of costumes and even some naked runners. Plus I managed to sneak in with the elites while they were warming up even though I didn't belong there.

Splits were 6:33,6:38,7:31,6:59,6:44,6:32,6:00,3:15 for a total of 50:13. I sort of felt like I had some left at the end and really kicked hard, but I wish I would have known better how to pace myself for a 7.5 mile race as well as this unique course. Oh well, I'm doing it next year so I will destroy that time then!

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